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Price Quote Calculator

Simply use the drop down menus to input
your requirements. The cost displayed is
inclusive of VAT and delivery, as well as free
amendments under our complete satisfaction
guarantee. The cost is calculated by the fields
you have selected, including the Delivery,
Level/Type and Standard field. Altering the
standard/delivery time of the piece in the fields below
may reduce the cost.

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Please note: we require a £25 deposit to process your order. We will review your order and find a researcher who can complete it. We'll then contact you with the total cost of your order. Your deposit is deductible from the total order cost and once payment has been received in full the researcher will start work on your order. In the unlikely event that we cannot find a suitable researcher to do your work, we'll refund your deposit in full within 3-5 working days.

The Length Field

This is the total word count that you require your piece to be. This total includes all referencing such as footnotes and bibliography. We charge per 250 words. Our minimum order is 1000 words. There is no maximum.

If your piece does not have a word count - for example, if it is a programming piece or a maths question - then you will get a quote from us once you submit an order to us and we have ascertained the complexity and hence the cost of the work.

The Delivery Field

This is the time that you require your piece starting from the date when we find a researcher.

This takes 4 - 10 working hours after you submit your order for 90% of orders - but may be up to two or even three working days after. It is therefore a good idea to give yourself plenty of time before your deadline, or go for a quicker service if in doubt.

The Level/Type Field

This is the academic level of your piece and its type. For most customers the academic level will be undergraduate, but we also undertake Masters, PhD, LPC and BVC pieces.

We can undertake essays/model answers, dissertations, dissertation proposals, literature reviews, theses, outline (skeleton) answers and most other forms of writing.

The Standard Field

This is the quality level of your piece. 1st class is the highest, 2:1 the middle and 2:2 the lowest. For Masters 1st class is equivalent to a distinction, 2:1 a Merit, and 2:2 a Pass.

These quality levels mirror those that are stipulated by the universities, you should consult your guidelines for more information on what to expect from each level.

Aiming for a 2:1 or 2:2? Your grade is now certain with our new guarantees...